Gehaxelts Blog

IT-Security & Hacking

[C++] Utils Klasse

Ich möchte meine Utils Klasse, welche meiner Meinung nach nützliche Funktionen enthält, der Öffentlichkeit nicht vorenthalten.

Folgende Funktionen sind zurzeit vorhanden:

  • CopySelf

  • StringRemoveLeft

  • StringRemoveRight

  • GetPCName

  • GetPCUsername

  • StringBetween

  • StringInString


//CopyRight to
#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
class Utils
        virtual ~Utils();
        int CopySelf(string destinationfile,bool overwrite);
        /**   Copies the executed File to the given destination
        #   Parameter 1: Destitionfile to be copied to.
        #   Parameter 2: Specefies if an existing file should be overwritten (true: YES, false: NO)
        #   Return: 0: succeded , 1:error
        string StringRemoveLeft(string org,unsigned int count);
        /**   Removes count chars from the left-side of the given String
        #   Parameter 1: String to be shortened
        #   Parameter 2: Count of chars to remove
        #   Return: Shortened string or "" if count > string.len
        string StringRemoveRight(string org,unsigned int count);
        /**   Removes count chars from the right-side of the given String
        #   Parameter 1: String to be shortened
        #   Parameter 2: Count of chars to remove
        #   Return: Shortened string or "" if count > string.len
        string GetPCName();
        /** Gets the name of the pc
            Return: String with the PCName.
        string GetPCUserName();
        /** Gets the name of the logged in user
            Return: String with the username.
        string StringBetween(string org,string start, string stop);
        /** Gets a string between 2 substrings
        #   Parameter 1: String to search for
        #   Parameter 2: Start of substring
        #   Parameter 3: End of substring
        #   Return: String between start & end or "" if fails
        int StringInString(string org,string sub);
        /** Checks whether a string contains the substring
        #   Parameter 1: String to check
        #   Parameter 2: Substring to look for
        #   Return: 0 if not found, otherwise the position of the substring
#endif // UTILS_H


#include "Utils.h"


int Utils::CopySelf(string destinationfile,bool overwrite)
    try {
        TCHAR Pfad[MAX_PATH];
        ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, Pfad, MAX_PATH);
        return 0;
    } catch(...) {
        return 1;

string Utils::StringRemoveRight(string org,unsigned int count)
    string tmp="";
        return "";
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<=strlen(org.c_str())-count;i++)
    return tmp;

string Utils::StringRemoveLeft(string org,unsigned int count)
    string tmp="";
        return "";
    for(unsigned int i=count;i<=strlen(org.c_str());i++)
    return tmp;

string Utils::GetPCName()
    char pcname[255];
    DWORD* size= new DWORD(sizeof( pcname ));
    GetComputerName( pcname, size );
    delete size;
    return pcname;

string Utils::GetPCUserName()
    char username[255];
    DWORD* size= new DWORD(sizeof( username ));
    GetUserName( username, size );
    delete size;
    return username;

string Utils::StringBetween(string org,string start, string stop)
    unsigned int* begin= new unsigned int(org.find(start)+strlen(start.c_str()));
    unsigned int* end= new unsigned int(org.find(stop));
    if(*begin==string::npos || *end==string::npos || (*begin > *end)) {
        delete begin;
        delete end;
        return "";
    string* tmp = new string("");
    for(unsigned int i=*begin;i<*end;i++)
    delete begin;
    delete end;
    return *tmp;
int Utils::StringInString(string org,string sub)
    unsigned int* pos= new unsigned int(org.find(sub));
        delete pos;
        return 0;
    return *pos;


#include <iostream>

#include "Utils.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    Utils* util= new Utils;
    cout << util->GetPCUserName()<<endl;
    cout << util->GetPCName()<<endl;
    cout << util->StringBetween("<h1>test</h1>","<h1>","</h1>")<<endl;
    delete util;

    return 0;

Ihr dürft diese Klasse frei nutzen, jedoch sollte der Copyrighthinweis bestehen bleiben und bei Erweiterung/Änderung würde ich mich über eine Nachricht freuen.

